Welcome December!

Welcome December!

It’s December already and I feel like this past year has just flown by! We head into this month with a bit more of an optimistic feel about things moving towards the full moon in Gemini coming up on the 7th. This is a welcome feeling as November brought to light a lot of things. This could have been from your past hurts, things hidden or showing more of those that are there for you and those that are not. The dust has started to settle a bit and you may have a bit or a lot more clarity in things than what you had before. As tough as it may have been for you, take a moment and give yourself a pat on the back for making it all through it all!  The full moon on the 7th is an excellent time to really work on letting go of all the not so good stuff, situations or directions you were headed that weren’t so good for you that recently got brought up. You could also see things that started back with the full moon eclipse on November 8th finally wrap up or come to an end.

We are heading into a major period of change from now until the end of March. These changes may not just be work or health goals, but also working on how your inner peace and wellbeing are.  It is a good time to tap into this energy to get behind what it is that you want to change, where you want to be and what habits you want to start. Tap into the fiery energy on the inside, not the outside to ignite that motivation and passion you may have lost over the last few months. You may have been feeling stuck or unmotivated to move ahead on things lately. Now you will start to have more motivation to move ahead than you have in a while. It is also a good time to really let go of past hurts, situations that failed or people who let you down. You can’t change that, but you can let the pain go so that it doesn’t keep you from feeling the joy and happiness that you deserve.  You may also notice that you no longer have tolerance for things that just don’t align with you or putting up boundaries to protect yourself and your energy. This could either be something you plan such as you don’t feel like going to certain events or place. It may also just fly out of your mouth or maybe you just say no and are a bit surprised as you have always said yes to helping out in the past. Listen to your body as it is a good time to remember not to over commit yourself which can easily happen this time of year.

As we then head to the winter solstice on the 21st take some time to look at what it is that you are wanting What do you want the next chapter or chapters in your life to look like? How do you want to feel? Where would you like to go! Only you can decide what makes you happy on a soul level, nobody else can. Try not to focus on all the details or laser focused on how you expect it to unfold. Take those first steps but be open to the changes as they come. Try to remember to embrace the little things that make you happy or that you are grateful for, despite the outside conditions that may not be all you would like it to be. This is a bit of a journey we are on that you deserve to enjoy along the way. If you wait until all things are lined up, if you have this or that then you can be happy you may miss out on some awesome people, situations and opportunities that could bring you more than you know!

The new moon in Capricorn then shows up on the 23rd! That is the time for fresh starts and new beginnings! If you have new ways you would like to deal with stress, people or boundaries this would be a perfect time to test them out! Remember, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. This energy has been hanging on for a few months so even if you take a few steps then decide to sit for a bit you are still making that forward progress. If you have been really working on your spiritual side, tuning into your intuition and skills more or even just diving into it all for the first time, you will want to remember to work on keeping yourself grounded this month. Remember to listen to your physical self and rest, meditate, take a walk or tune the world for a bit! We then will head to mercury retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th that goes until January 18th. Since mercury retrogrades can sometimes involve some communication issues, change of plans or schedule mix-ups be sure to double check things or even have a back up plan or two for New Years Eve!

As the next few months unfold you may have some bigger changes or may just be subtle things to get you in the next direction. Try to remember everyone is at a different stage of their journey and reach out to those who may just need a check-in. Stay tuned to what is going on around you but remember to not let it consume you. Focus a bit more on yourself and your journey!

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