November Update!

November Update!

Buckle up buttercup as November is going to be a immensely yet positive transformative month. We head into this month with the energy of the new moon eclipse on October 25th and head towards a full moon eclipse in Taurus on the 8th. This is wrapping up a cycle that started back in April/May time. You may see outdated thoughts, patterns, habits and dysfunctional or unhealthy relationships change rapidly. Blocks that may have been getting in the way will be eclipsed out or more light being shined on the bigger picture which will help you see what has been holding you back, no longer is aligned with what it is that you are seeking or the true intentions of others. If you have been looking for a bit of permission of sorts to make some changes this could be it. This is a good time to release those deep-rooted fears and thought patterns that could be holding you back such as I am not good enough, I am not prepared enough or ready to do this or be consumed with worry. Stop looking for the outside validation that you can do this and start taking steps to get there, even the small ones forward. This is a good month where more clarity of what to do next than you have had for a while. You may notice your intuition is running high so try to pay attention to it as you will get a bit more validation behind it a bit quicker than in the past. Don’t try too hard to control the outcome and just take each day as it comes. Take a deep breath and focus on taking one step at a time.

There may be some unexpected twists and turns this month and do you best to roll with it and stay focused on the positive outcome of changes. With all that is going on with either yourself or those around you, it may be a good time to pull your power and energy back to you. Remember to be mindful of who you are helping and how much you are helping. Don’t let it distract you from working on your own goals or dreams. Since this can be trying something new or really digging into those past emotional blocks, relationships and patterns that have been there for a while. Another thing to keep in mind is to ask for help. Some of the changes that are going through or want to do may be tough and asking for help will make the journey a bit easier. Whether it be professional, friends, family or coworkers. Sometimes being pushed to look at things from a different perspective is all that you need to move forward. It may be a good time to remind yourself, where the mind goes the energy flows. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted with fixing or helping everyone else that you avoid working on your own goals, dreams and healings.

As we move towards the new moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd you will notice that eclipse energy start to die down a bit and a fresh new momentum start to grow. You will notice some new good, unexpected opportunities, relationships and connections to start to show up for you. The eclipse could have moved some obstacles out of the way that have been in place for sometime and you can now move forward with a goal or direction that you have been wanting to do or honestly didn’t know how or when it was going to happen!

Changes can be tough and remember that it is okay to release steadfast plans, directions, beliefs and patterns that no longer align with you or didn’t turn out as you had thought. If you are working towards a certain idea, relationship or goal and anywhere on the journey towards it you notice that it doesn’t feel right anymore or not aligned with who you are take time to listen to that. Stop, reassess and release if needed. Reach out for help if you need it and speak from the heart when stepping into your voice as others may be going through a rough time and handle it in different ways!

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