New Moon in Cancer!

New Moon in Cancer!

Welcome New Moon in Cancer! We are now hitting into a time of being able to see more forward movement than we have in a while. Fresh starts, new beginnings and new opportunities are coming around. This is a time to seize the moment as they say. This isn’t just a time to set goals, update the vision boards and such, but also a time to look at and jot down possible solutions to the problems or things keeping you from attaining those goals or even simple direction that you would like your life to go. A lot of us have been feeling like we are making changes or attempting to make those changes and only getting hit with one obstacle after the other. You will finally start to see some forward movement on those things. YAY! You are going to start to see some solutions or detours that could pop up out of nowhere to help with what is getting in the way. You may have opportunities come up that are pushing you to seize the moment not only because of the opportunity it brings but also that it really aligns with what you are wanting to do. You may be asking yourself more now than ever, if the goal, direction, home, family or relationships truly align with what you are wanting. Now is a good time to start with a fresh look and perspective, maybe change things up a little not only to say you achieve your goal but also achieved things that make you feel more and more who you truly are! Embrace that! Use this energy over the next few weeks to get that harnessed and working in your favor! Another thing to keep in mind is the next 6 months are more of the action phase of things, which after months of feeling a bit stuck in the mud can feel a bit scary yet exciting! With this going on it is a good thing to keep in mind that the path that you have in your mind to get to the next stages can change  a bit so try to do your best to roll with it and look at the detours as something to learn so you will be better prepared for what is coming!

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