Happy New Moon in Aries!

Happy New Moon in Aries!

Sorry! Little bit late with this today! Technology is messing with me yet again!

Happy New Moon in Aries! Are ya all ready? You made it through the tough, emotional, breakthroughs and breakdowns of last month. Now you may be feeling like you just want to bust through the dust and get going on those ideas, new chapters, new directions and new beginnings! I know it was super tough for many to get to this point and it may be tough to get moving but it will be worth it. Time to let go of the past and let it be! Declutter, purge and detox the old that no longer serves you! Don’t let it take up space so that there is no place to put the new blessings coming your way! With all of this push forward energy it is a perfect time to sit down and rewrite that goal list of yours. What is it that you want on a soul level? Think about that and then start taking the steps or leaps forward! All of this forward motion is setting the stage for many things to come later this year, so it may not seem huge now or even remotely what is on your list now and will show later that it was simply the perfect step towards getting the true direction and happiness you desire! Little bit of caution with this go, go, go energy is that you may be wanting to cross off the items on your list that is now a mile long and will get super frustrated when there are any obstacles in the way! This is a good practice in patience and think before you speak out of frustration over something that will seem super ridiculous later! Also a perfect time to smudge your space!! Clear out the old stagnant energy to make way for the exciting good stuff! Pay attention to your body, drink plenty of water and get the rest when needed! 

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