Full Moon in Taurus!

Full Moon in Taurus!

Full moon in Taurus today! What a whirlwind it has been since the new moon! Yesterday was a powerful energy shift day and also the midpoint of this Mercury retrograde! Communication is the key for this one! This full moon is really about your emotions and finding that voice to express them. This will affect all relationships you have from partners, family, friends, coworkers etc. You may find yourself wanting to either deepen your connections with others or voicing that the way of doing things is no longer working. You may also find yourself finally having the courage to tell that person how you feel about them, to sit and have that chat about what needs to change in a current relationship. You want to make sure you are surrounded by people who truly support your journey the good and the bad. Remember though with it being in the middle of Mercury retrograde there can still be communication issues. So be sure to sit with what you want to chat about a little before just letting it roll out as it might not be received just as you had intended it to! It is all about releasing that fear. The fear of the past patterns repeating so you stuff what you feel in hopes it won’t go down the same road. Letting go of this fear and speaking of what works and doesn’t work will be pushing you a bit forward. This is also the relationship you have with yourself as well!  That talk you have with yourself that says don’t bother, you will never have or accomplish that. Let go of that thought pattern, it does not help you move forward! The areas you are most stubborn about might be more apparent than in the past. This is happening to show you what you need to change and let go of so you can continue towards the next stages of this next year coming up. Things are always changing and if you are too stubborn to change you may not get new results or opportunities because you refuse to see what is right in front of you! You will find more of a push to change that and get ready for change. Since this is hitting a bit on the emotional side of things it can cause us to feel a bit more vulnerable than you have been in the past which can be tough as well. Do your best to work through this and allow others to help as well. You don’t have to do it all alone! Don’t be stubborn :)  It can be tough to do this work but is so worth it on the other side of it all! This is all about the clearing and purging of the old to make way for the new.  If you feel the need to purge and get rid of stuff that just doesn’t feel right to you anymore, now is a good time!  Cleaning and purging are also a good way to get that mind focused on other things so that the intuitive side of the brain can kick in since your intuition will be spiking as well. Pay attention to those random thoughts that pop in. Jot them down so you don’t forget. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you now doesn’t mean it won’t later! Slowly but surely you will start to feel the forward momentum on things. We sometimes get so focused on why it hasn’t yet that we don’t take a minute to stop and see just how far we have come!

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